Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Searching for a Demo Part (Updated)

    I am on the search for a part, a plastic part - be it intended for whatever resin PA, PS, ABS, PC, PMMA, ASA, SAN, PBT, PET, PCT, PS, Syndiotactic PS, ...  I don't really care other than I need the physical properties of the resin and I need to know that it is characterized for mold filling, cooling,  fiber orientation (if its a filled resin), and warp analyses.  For the purposes of this demonstration I will need the package space for the part (the entire volume where the part CAN exist - leave nothing out), the attachment points for the part, and full list of loading conditions for the part (preferably linear static and normal modes for the sake of a DEMO model).

    If this sounds a little like the prologue for a magic act, well...   perhaps it will seem a little like that when it's all said and done, but I will lay out the process here that I intend to follow in obtaining a part design, molding process, and tool dimensions that will achieve that optimized part.

    There are a few conditions, caveats and requirements, that must be conveyed and met in order for me to use your model(s):

1) The information must be able to be shown publicly.
2) Your or your employer must own the model(s) sent or the right to grant permission for public display of the model(s).
3) YOU must have the right to convey the privilege to use the data publicly.
4) You must take sole responsibility for the accuracy of your claim to the above.
5) The timeline is short - I need a part within 10 business days.
6) Your submitted part will be part of the demonstration models presented by Altair Engineering (my employer), and Altair will have control over the models with respect to their being a part of the demo - this is an internal exercise at Altair for the technical staff and will add to the library of demonstration models that customers can publicly use to help learn how to use our software.

With that said, and without further adieu, here is the process I spoke of...

The process starts by identifying the package space and performance loading conditions required for the part.  This is used to develop, via topology optimization, the part design direction.  Once a design direction is established, OSSmooth is used to create geometry (CAD data) for a proposed part design.  Subsequent optimization can be done to define an optimal shape with constraints on the stress and strain in the individual elements.

After the refined part design is established then the part can be meshed specifically for injection molding simulation.  The process should be established for the part first.  This is not MERELY an optimized process, but one where robustness is taken into account.  Details about this process will be given in the demo once completed.

After the process is defined, the cooling system needs to be developed for the tooling.

After the cooling system is optimized, the part can be scaled up to a mold dimension and run for the sake of warp analysis.  This generally involves AT MINIMUM 3 warp analyses: 

1) Buckling (done on the part in CAD dimensions)
2) Linear or non-linear warp analysis as appropriate (based on #1)
3) Non-Linear Warp Analyis with:
    Part up-scaled to mold dimensions using orthotropic shrink rates <Sx, Sy, Sz>
    Regions determined where buckling eigenvalues are approaching 1 (result math might help here)

4+)  Subsequent optimization iterations where nodes are adjusted to derive a mold cavity such that the CAD part is produced (as close as possible) given the constraints of no buckling and no undercuts in the draw direction (direction of mold opening).

Once all this is achieved, we will have optimized the PART, PROCESS, and MOLD to a best-case scenario.

If you have a part for this, please leave a comment below or email me at

Thank you.

OK.  I've created a geometry and my demo from it.
The demo has:
1) an IGS file read in,
2) Optistruct run to obtain the rib pattern design
3) a process to bring the resulting elements back to HyperMesh
4) the creation of surfaces and the ribs from those elements,
5) attaching the ribs to the original solid.
5) and then exporting them for molding simulation. 

Here is a teaser (Optistruct Design results in animation)...

It takes a second for the video to begin playing and there's no audio.

1 comment:

  1. I need to have my demo ready by the 8th. SO... ANY help is appreciated. Thanks.
